The Memory Of Loss

The Memory Of Loss

Kim, Yu-ri

Kim, Yu-ri

上映時間 : 28min

Eun-ju is in her mid-20s. She made a living by delivering flowers with her older sister, Eun-hee. She didn't expect to be given the love from her parents through the life of hardship. After she lost her parents, her sister inherited all of her parents' lives and Eun-ju was left alone without her sister's attention. When both Eun-ju and Eun-hee were delivering flowers at dawn as usual, they got in an accident. Eun-ju learned that the person responsible for the accident was Hee-jin whose mother was the landlord of the house where Eun-ju's family lived. Eun-ju woke up when Eun-hee and Hee-jin lay in the uncertain state of unconsciousness without knowing whether they would wake or not. She was reminded of one of her oblivious memories in the past by Hee-jin who she met unexpectedly. The shock coming from the secret relationship between Eun-hee and Hee-jin and the memory being swayed by Hee-jin were substituted for the cause of her ruined existence. Eun-ju tried to kill Hee-jin who couldn't resist but she heard from the man coming from insurance company that she would be granted an incredible amount of money. Before long, her sister woke up from unconsciousness and the sisters went to see the flower shop which She opened with the money. Both of them thought they could start a new life and forget everything. At the moment, Eun-ju, however, came to think that she couldn't live that way and went to see Hee-jin who was fell into a coma by Eun-ju.



When we either close our eyes or open them, excruciating memories in the past exist as if they always dwell on us. Which kind of oblivion could heal the scar of the past life? The oblivion should not conceal the scar but heal it in the way we recall them.


Born 1986, 2009 Kyung-Sung university Film learning and graduation.

Kim, Yu-ri監督の作品一覧

  作品名 監督名 上映時間 制作年 字幕
  The Memory Of Loss Kim, Yu-ri 21min